DATUM: 11-02-2014 |


MVRDV wins design competition for an exhibition extension for Boijmans van Beuningen

DATUM: 11-02-2014


MVRDV wins design competition for an exhibition extension for Boijmans van Beuningen


Arno Vonk


Arno Vonk

Architects MVRDVs’ created the winning design for the new museum extension Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam. There were five architectural practices as contenders in the competition which will house thousands of works of art in various formats as the needs arise.

For the Museum 2017 competition MVRDV came up with a fascinating, innovative design for a circular reflective building on top of a roof! Certainly spectacular.

After presentation, following an objection MVRDV was excluded and the result held in abeyance because a claim that an advantage had been obtained through an unauthorised contact with museum director Sjarel Ex.  On subsequent investigation the Rotterdam court ruled that “it was not enough to assume that the competition had been distorted by such an unauthorised contact “and therefore the position of MVRDV was upheld as the winner.

The project was held to a precise budget and IGG provided MVRDV with cost advice and cost estimates as part of the winning presentation


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