Such a financial overview of a construction project is one of the core tasks of IGG
Our construction cost experts calculate the financial feasibility of a design based on various methods. We do this not only in advance, but also during the construction process, so that action can be taken in good time if necessary.
IGG’s broad approach to financial feasibility
Our feasibility analysis focuses not only on costs and revenues. We go beyond that. We look at regulations, the wishes and requirements of the parties involved and the zoning plan. This is reflected in our plan vision, together with the financial risks and alternative solutions. You can also expect a risk analysis from us. It examines what the financial uncertainties are within a project and what the consequences may be. Precisely because civil works and real estate are becoming increasingly complex, it is important to have good insight into the financial risks.
Would you like to know more about the financial feasibility of your project?
Another weapon is the so-called construction cost management. In this we go further than making sums. We take a broad approach and not only zoom in on the regulations, but we also assist you in recording performers and designers. The sooner this happens, the sooner you will be aware of the costs involved. The advantage of a financial overview is that you are not only aware of the costs, but also that you can correct your plans in time and have access to financial solutions, so that you still remain within your budget.
You can learn more about the financial feasibility of a project with IGG’s construction cost experts.
Metaforum TU/e campus 2020
Redevelopment Osdorpplein
Renovation City Hall Spijkenisse
Spijkenisse, the Netherlands
Vrijheidsmuseum Nijmegen
Nijmegen, the Netherlands
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