BouwkostenKompas: Online cost figures
There is a lot involved when starting a construction project. If you want to be able to keep the progress of the project under control, then a clear planning from design to delivery is necessary. An indication of the construction costs is so pleasant in this phase – this gives you more financial security and allows you to manage the project better. The BouwkostenKompas publications help you with this.
IGG has developed Key Figures Compass to make financial key figures more accessible for the construction sector. BouwkostenKompas is a series of handy books that enable the user to prepare a clear construction cost indication faster. This gives you a detailed picture in advance of the costs that you can expect during your construction project, and you can better anticipate cost overruns.
The advantages of BouwkostenKompas
The financial considerations that affect building projects are more complex than ever today. In addition, the information you need to answer any construction-economic issues is usually not available in one place. Drawing up a comprehensive construction cost indication can therefore take a lot of time.
Thanks to BouwkostenKompas, this problem is a thing of the past. The Building Costs Compass series with the annual editions Housing and Non-residential Building, GWW and Installations give the user access to more than 1,000 key figures. Hereby you can not only work with different finishing levels, but also have the influences of the chosen location calculated in the key figures. Construction costs Compass gives a clear picture quickly, without the details are lost.
The publications of BouwkostenKompas
Get started immediately with BouwkostenKompas
Are you curious about the possibilities of BouwkostenKompas? You can receive the publication by subscribing to the BouwkostenKompas website or by ordering the book separately. The BouwkostenKompas website offers a broad overview of subscriptions for different user groups. When you register you get direct access to the BouwkostenKompas calculation module. In addition, you also receive the most recent edition of the Building Costs Compass. This summarizes the most important key figures for your sector.
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