Fashion Dome

Cube Fashion Center Almere is centrally located directly on the A6 highway. Due to its special architecture and high-quality appearance, the building is very decisive for the (access) image of Almere.

Over the years, Cube Fashion Center Almere has grown into a very accessible, professional purchasing center for the (Body) Fashion industry and related creative companies. With approximately 70 tenants representing more than 400 brands, the Cube Fashion Center is an important platform for the Dutch retail industry. From October 2021, Cube Fashion Center also has a beauty floor. You can read more information about the latter on the Beauty Cube website.

NEN measurement carried out by MeetAtelier (part of IGG Bouweconomie).

VDMA site

Redevelopment of the VDMA site into a lively multifunctional living and working area.


New inner city development along the rail and water in the center of Utrecht. The Kruisvaartkade project comprises around 600 homes, of which at least 20% is social housing and 75 homes fall into the mid-rental segment. The rest of the plan includes free sector owner-occupied homes.