International specification form: MasterSpec
Because IGG customers increasingly carry out international projects, there is a need for these engineering firms to have specifications drawn up based on the American specifications system.
MasterSpec comprehensive and complete
MasterSpec is a standard architectural, installation technical and civil specification system for application by architects, engineering firms, and other design specialists. MasterSpec is published by the Architectural Computer Services (ARCOM) for the American Institute of Architects (AIA). It was developed in 1969 by the AIA to provide architects with standard tools to draw up technical specifications in a uniform manner, comparable to the Dutch STABU² system from the 90s.
Today, MasterSpec library includes more than 600 chapters that follow the prescribed MasterFormat 2012 numbering system from the Construction Specifications Institute.
Each MasterSpec chapter consists of 5 components:
- Overview of the contents of the chapter
- Qualitative overview of the materials / products, including:
- Test procedures with applicable test standards
- Suggestions for application of the materials / products
- Environmental considerations, “green building”, or LEED information
- References and standards
- Links to supplier and standard organizations
- Standard technical specifications in three-part CSI format
- A checklist to coordinate the chapter with the drawings
- A specification coordination checklist to make references to other chapters
The MasterSpec technical specifications are available in three different levels:
- Full Length — For medium to large, complex projects and varying forms of tender
- Short Form — Shortened versions of the most common specifications
- Outline — Outline specifications for use during the design process
IGG also writes a MasterSpec
IGG is able to draw up a MasterSpec specification for you, using software from BSD SpecLink-E software, as applied in the United States and in many other parts of the world, such as the Middle East, Asia, Africa and South -America. This American MasterSpec is based on American norms and standards.
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