A high-quality sustainable building is the standard.
In the 21st century, the pursuit of sustainability has grown into a widely supported social objective. A sense of responsibility with regard to the environment is therefore no longer limited to the individual sphere – it has become a constant factor in the policy of our government and the activities of Dutch companies.
Sustainable building
This trend is also clearly visible in the construction sector. The government follows the guidelines of society – Dutch laws and regulations are increasingly directing the construction sector towards the use of sustainable basic principles. This focus on sustainability naturally has consequences for all phases of the construction process; designers, contractors and clients must take into account new preconditions and must be confronted with other questions.
Sustainable construction is increasingly becoming the norm these days. But what exactly does sustainable building entail? What are the consequences for the construction sector, and what effect does sustainable building have on the construction costs? The IGG team can answer all your questions about sustainability and construction cost advice.
What is sustainable building?
The principles of sustainable building were insufficiently defined for a long time. After all, the concept of sustainability offers scope for different interpretations and interpretations. The introduction of sustainability labels such as BREEAM-NL has brought more clarity in this area, and with that the scope of sustainable construction has also been expanded.
Sustainable construction is basically a combination of different indicators that must be optimized during the construction project. Energy efficiency is an important part of this, but certainly not the only one. Issues such as waste management, material use and quality of life also play a role. These factors obviously have an impact on the costs of a project, but with well-thought out cost management can in time have a positive influence on the result.
IGG advises on sustainable construction
The requirements for new construction projects in the Netherlands have become stricter. Efficient working methods and environmentally friendly materials are increasingly prescribed by national and local regulations. Sustainable construction therefore appears to coincide with higher construction and investment costs. At first glance a logical conclusion, but the experience of IGG shows a different picture.
The basic principle of sustainable construction not only has positive consequences for the environment – the influence of efficiency also extends to the construction costs themselves, and environmentally friendly construction has a favorable effect on the return on investment investment. Moreover, the work process within the building is more efficient and less absenteeism occurs. Want to know more about the possibilities of sustainable building?
Practical solutions for questions about sustainability
Do you want a specialist to evaluate the sustainability of an existing building? IGG can prepare a sustainability report for every object. We view all the characteristics of your building, provide a clear report of the current situation and advise you on possible next steps.
Are you wondering which sustainability label best fits your (new) construction project? The Dutch market has four important quality marks for the sustainability of buildings. IGG is happy to explain how these quality marks differ and what conditions are attached to them.
Are you looking for a specialist who can help you with the sustainability certification of a construction project, or do you want to know how sustainable building will affect your budget? Also in that case you are at the right place at IGG. Our consultants support you during every phase of your construction project and effortlessly combine sustainable objectives with effective cost management.
Want to know more about the possibilities of sustainable building?
WELL House
De Oosterlingen
Wooncomplexen Argentinië
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